“When I came in I was all bent over and walking with a walker since 2000. Now I’m walking without a walker and I don’t ever want to go back to where I was. The staff are excellent!”
Patricia Culbertson
Thank you for your kind words, Patricia, and I’m glad we were able to help you!
As a chiropractic physician, my staff and I have helped thousands of neck and back pain sufferers and people who have been injured in auto accidents, work or sports injuries since opening in 2006. Although I pride myself on being a great chiropractor, I realized that there are people out there who continue to suffer from chronic spinal pain, even after they have tried medicine, chiropractic, physical therapy, injections, even failed surgery in some cases. That’s why I became interested in new technologies to help: nonsurgical spinal decompression and cold laser therapy. Since investing in these new therapeutic options, we have been able to help many patients with more serious neck and back problems, including bulging, herniated and degenerative discs, stenosis, facet syndrome, and radiculopathy. Don’t continue to suffer. Call my office at 864-288-7797 for a consultation to find out whether you are a good candidate. For more information, visit our decompression and laser pages.
Greenville, SC chiropractor Dr. Luke Henry instructs at national nonsurgical spinal disc decompression conference.
Greenville, SC, November 7-8, 2015 – Dr. Luke Henry, a Greenville chiropractor, traveled to Dallas, Texas to instruct at Parker University’s National Decompression Certificate Program. More than 50 chiropractic physicians and a number of chiropractic assistants from across the U.S. and Canada attended, making this the largest attendance to date since the program began in 2012.
According to the National Institutes of Health, back pain affects 80% of Americans with more than one quarter of adults experiencing low back pain during the last 3 months. Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. In some cases, back pain persists despite medical treatments.
Spinal decompression is a new noninvasive method that relieves spinal pain without the cost or risk associated with back surgery. Decompression devices are FDA cleared, with computer technology that distracts a specific level of the spine without muscular contraction. Research has shown that decompression lowers pressure inside the discs into -100 to -150 mm Hg range. This negative pressure increases nutrition to allow healing, restores lost disc height, and frees up compressed or irritated nerves. Most patients receive 20-25 treatments over 6 to 8 weeks. Neurosurgeons Norman Shealy, M.D. and Dennis McClure, M.D. found success rates from 86% to 92% with no known serious adverse effects.
Dr. Henry, who is the author of peer-reviewed scientific publications, was invited to present and lectured on a multifaceted treatment protocol for bulging, herniated and degenerative discs that includes chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, and low-level laser therapy. He also served as examination proctor.
Dr. Henry, said, “Many patients have already tried medication, physical therapy, chiropractic, and injections but are still suffering. Our new nonsurgical approach brings relief and results”.
Dr. Henry answers questions on nonsurgical spinal decompression and how to help difficult cases, including the addition of cold laser therapy to a multimodal chiropractic approach.
Dr. Henry is a graduate of Clemson University and Sherman College of Chiropractic and he completed postgraduate training in whiplash. Dr. Henry presented a mini-review of the medical literature on low-level laser therapy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in April, 2015. His most recent paper was published in the Internet Journal of Chiropractic. Dr. Henry provides nonsurgical treatments for neck pain, back pain and auto accident injuries. Henry Chiropractic Clinic, LLC, is located at 1314 Pelham Road, Greenville, South Carolina 29615. For more information, contact www.henryclinic.com or call (864) 288-7797.
A new nonsurgical approach may offer the answer to back or leg pain from herniated discs without surgery. Dr. Luke Henry’s paper, “Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Of Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Case Report And Proposed Multimodal Chiropractic Treatment Approach” has been published in the Internet Journal of Chiropractic, an open access, peer-reviewed research journal. The paper describes the nonsurgical care of a patient with a 16 mm lumbar disc herniation producing nerve compression. The patient’s lower back and leg pain, weakness and numbness resolved with a treatment plan combining chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression and cold laser therapy. The patient was able to resume work after three visits and he experienced progressive improvement in his ability to sleep, stand and walk. Symptomatic and functional improvement was maintained at a 6 month follow up. Dr. Henry encouraged further research on this new noninvasive approach. Dr. Henry is a graduate of Clemson University and Sherman College of Chiropractic. He is a member of the South Carolina Chiropractic Association and practices in Greenville, South Carolina.