Q: What are the Chiropractic Benefits for South Carolina State Health Plan?
A: Greenville Chiropractor Dr. Luke Henry has been a preferred provider for South Carolina State Health Plan (Blue Cross Blue Shield) since 2006. BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina (BlueCross) is the third-party administrator for the State Health Plan. Here are the benefits, taken from SC PEBA’s website at https://peba.sc.gov/
There are two options for state employees, the Standard Plan and the Savings Plan.
The in network benefits are as follows:
SHP Savings Plan
Annual Deductible: • Single: $3,600 • Family: $7,200
Coinsurance: • Plan pays 80% • You pay 20%
• Excludes deductible
Physician Office Visits (In Network): • No copayment
• Plan pays 80% • You pay 20%
• Chiropractic payments limited to $500 a year, per person
SHP Standard Plan
Annual Deductible: • Single: $490 • Family: $980
Coinsurance: • Plan pays 80% • You pay 20%
Physician Office Visits: • $14 copayment
• Plan pays 80% • You pay 20%
• Chiropractic payments limited to $2,000 a year, per person
Patients with the Savings Plan, a high deductible plan, are eligible for a health savings account (HSA). HSA funds may be used for the services at our office and can help you save on taxes. For more information, visit: https://www.irs.gov/publications/p969/index.html
For an appointment, call Dr. Henry’s office at 864-288-7797.
We will be glad to check your benefits and file insurance on your behalf. Dr. Henry also accepts Medicare, Cigna, United Healthcare, Medcost, Aetna, auto accidents, and most insurance plans. Dr. Henry has been recognized for consistent, best-evidence practice: “Tier 1 Advantage” for Optum and “Center of Excellence” status for Health Network Solutions.